
vamos em frente!

EStou indo muito bem ... Obrigada...

Estou trabalhando essa semana em um lugar que não tem internet, e na semana que que vem tbm, por isso estou afastada da net... mesmo tendo banda larga em casa, eu chego em casa tão morta que passo correndo do pc...

Mas e o regime??? como anda????

esta indo super bem... cheguei a um peso hoje que já fazia alguns meses que eu não chegava... não sai nem da casa dos 110, mas hoje eu acordei me sentindo menor... ainda bem... pois eu estava me sentindo muito mal com quase 115 quilos... abusurdo não...

Mas não vejo a hora das minhas camisas estarem mais larguinhas... como eu engordei muito, tem varias que sou obrigada a vestir e estão repuchadas.... mas estou chegando lá...

Bom, vou visitar minhas amigas....



5 comentários:

Mônica Cruz disse...

É isso ai, não vamos desistir e continuar firmes que a gente chega lá.
Que pena ficar sem internet no serviço, hein?
bom, mas não abandona a gente, tá?

Beth disse...

Siga em frente, amiga! Siga porque está valendo a pena, sempre vale a pena a gente se cuidar melhor, sempre vale a pena a gente mudar os hábitos, promover uma transformação por dentro que resulta em outra por fora, continue firme. Tenho certeza de que logo vamos comemorar a mudança de faixa de peso, mas o que importa mesmo é que vc está mudando aos poucos uma série de coisas, a consequência natural será o emagrecimento saudável, gradativo e efetivo.
Sempre na sua torcida!

Beth disse...

E ai amiguinha, tudo bem? Vim novamente para ver se tinha novidades, deixo um beijo cheio de energia positiva. Beijo

Anônimo disse...

Having carefully perused the column of Houses to let, and the column of Dogs lost, and then the columns of Wives and apprentices runaway, I attacked with great resolution the editorial matter, and reading it from beginning to end without understanding a syllable, conceived the possibility of its being Chinese, and so re-read it from the end to the beginning, but http://startso11.info/opel+wroc%C5%82aw.html with no more satisfactory result.. Berger authorized to go to http://storyah44.info/plwww.zus..html the dances given to the Prince? The Class had to give up this, and he answered it himself: Because every one of his carroms was a tick-it to the ball.. An' I don't want no http://startso11.info/perlakarkonoszy.html one-hoss bonnet neither.. and Forec, which we include in the fully http://startso11.info/www.rylko.pl.html developed apparatus.. We now see what this function is. http://startso11.info/www.utis.pl.html. For silent it was to us, standing in the silence of a high place--silent with a Sunday stillness that made us listen, without taking thought, for the sound of bells coming up from the spires that rose above the tree-tops--the tree-tops that lay as far beneath us as the light clouds were above us that dropped great shadows upon our heads and faint specks of shade upon the http://startso11.info/najlepsze+muzyki.html broad sweep of land at the mountain's foot.. I dare you to walk downstairs and say, 'We-just-dropped-in-to-call-on-Miss-Champe'! http://startso11.info/foluszny.html he said.. In connection with a http://startso11.info/dyvx.html longer dream, it seemed to this lady that she saw her fifteen-year-old daughter lying dead before her in a box.. Even the peccant schoolmaster and his pretended letters were forgotten, while the sapient Goliath, every time that he raised the spear, in the energy of his declamation, to thump upon the stage, picked away fragments of the low ceiling, which fell conspicuously on his great shock of http://startso11.info/kludi.html black hair.. Tutt, said he, laughing, if we go for a bit of exercise will you guarantee us the possession http://rebestal.info/craky+cyberlink+powerdvd.html of our rooms when we come back? Yes sir-ree! Uncle Billy assured him.. The company into which Elder Brown http://startso11.info/mocne+kobiety+nago.html had fallen was what is known as first-class.. It devolved upon him to even up the affair a little before his mother came back. http://startso11.info/fenix+wsk.html. Pryor received them with the easy-going kindness of the mother of http://startso11.info/ia+z+kie%C5%82bas%C4%85.html one son.. Comprenez-vous? To this tirade, uttered with great volubility, Miss Morland made http://startso11.info/www.wlacy.net.html no other reply than, Oui--je comprens.. The second remark, I don't know that arose in a very different connection. http://storyah44.info/black.html. Quoene sit historia Reformationis in Ungaria? quoth Haliburton, http://startso11.info/www.namietneamatorki.pl.html after some thought.. Cindy's Mose, he reflected. http://startso11.info/www.superjedynki.pl.html. I'd be delighted to help you move the http://storyah44.info/polmozbyt+marki%5C%5C.html things, don't you know.. The impression left is that the formation of obscure dreams proceeds as if a person had something to say http://startso11.info/www.sonicgry..html which must be agreeable for another person upon whom he is dependent to hear.. When he http://storyah44.info/protarianie.html reached the neighborhood of Balaam it suddenly occurred to him that he might have forgotten some one of his numerous commissions, and he paused to think...

Beth disse...

Oi Claudinha, passei para ver se tinha notícias fresquinhas por aqui. Não tendo, deixo um beijinho cheio de energia positiva para você.
Fique com Deus e, se Ele quiser (há de querer), até breve!

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